血猪 Blood Pigs
《血猪 Blood Pigs》是2010年由布莱恩.伯林导演,Joe Olson/Rich George/Richard Caron等主演的电影。
这部电影我期待了很久,期望越大,看的时候越有种舍不得的感觉,本片获得“Goriest movie of 2010”看过之后就会觉得实至名归,关于血浆不多说,导演Brian Paulin是我见过最有想法的血浆片导演,看过他作品的能感觉到,几个月前给他发过邮件,很认真的回我了很有亲和力,还有他的黄金搭档Rich George
Ninety nine percent of the worlds has been destroyed by a bio-chemical war. Technology is obsolete and the soil has been polluted leaving people with barely any food. The survivors try to continue on by hunting and consuming the living dead which has dire results as the dead flesh begins to mutate with the bio-chemical still in the atmosphere. People's digestive systems begin to evolve and force their way out of victims mouths to search for food on their own. Mutations spiral out of control into a grotesque finale.