《自虐狂 Schramm 》是1993年由尤戈·布特格雷特导演,Florian Koerner von Gustorf/Monika M.等主演的电影。
掀开被子发现个移动版阴齿啊有木有! 开头略搞笑,一男一女来查水表,男的喝一杯水男主从背后掰住脖子拿小刀割,都被掰了半天还继续喝水,小水果刀感觉割得很辛苦,女的就在旁边边叫边看了半天,就等他割完来锤自己。 有一件红底仙鹤的日式浴衣表示不错。
德国好多这种类型的重口。而且不是一般的重。。 单从重口的程度上来说哈,我只是说这个程度。。相比之下,japanese 那不叫重口,他们擅长的是诡异,这儿玩儿的是重口。。
Today I am dirty, but tomorrow I’ll be just dirt. - Carl Panzram
Lothar Schramm is dying, face down in a pool of blood. Behind his closed eyes, fractured memories repeat themselves again and again. He runs by the sea. He lusts after the whore (Monika M.) across the hall. He staggers through life uncertainly. He kills. SCHRAMM is the story of the notorious Lipstick Killer Lothar Schramms last days on earth. Revealed in a series of tightly constructed flashbacks, the film offers an unflinching look into the mind of a serial killer. Uncompromising in its depictions of violence and perversion, SCHRAMM is a poetic masterpiece guaranteed to make you squirm. Not rated