《小魔星/蜘蛛恐惧症》是1990年由弗兰克·马歇尔导演,杰夫·丹尼尔斯/Harley Jane Kozak/约翰·古德曼等主演的电影。
电影名:Arachnophobia 小魔煞
A large spider from the jungles of South America is accidently transported in a crate with a dead body to America where it mates with a local spider. Soon after, the residents of a small California town disappear as the result of spider bites from the deadly spider offspring. It's up to a couple of doctors with the help of an insect exterminator to annihilate these eight legged freaks before they take over the entire town. Written by Shaun Ouimette {xtreemshaun589@hotmail.com}
南美洲丛林里的一只大蜘蛛偶然地把一只死尸的箱子运到了美国,与一只当地的蜘蛛交配在一起。 不久之后,加州一个小镇的居民因致命的蜘蛛后代的蜘蛛叮咬而消失。 这是由几个医生在灭虫的帮助下,在他们接管整个城镇之前消灭这八个腿部的怪胎。
A large spider from the jungles of South America is accidently transported in a crate with a dead body to America where it mates with a local spider. Soon after, the residents of a small California town disappear as the result of spider bites from the deadly spider offspring. It's up to a couple of doctors with the help of an insect exterminator to annihilate these eight legged freaks before they take over the entire town. Written by Shaun Ouimette {xtreemshaun589@hotmail.com}