介绍:A girl interested in sexual stuff is frustrated in her uneventful days. She regularly goes to school without wearing panties and tempts classmate boys for a thrill, but recently her acts even more escalated as she sexually plays with men in the classroom. After students went home, she shows off her sexcellent waist-shaking techniques in the cowgirl style play with a dildo… ————– This is the first movie work by our circle!! It took a year in the development!! All scenes are from the “Point of View Shot”. * The length of the main movie is 35 minutes, comes with two climaxes. 10x looping movies are derived from the main movie for loop playing. 10x short looping movies have three variations of skin: normal, with scribbles and whipped. * The image collection: 16 from the main story 137 for the situation image (Unused cut scenes) Variations of skin: normal, with scribbles and whipped 459 images total * Please check out the sample movie! *
介绍:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sRIUH7JeXIGx2OI80oyvhQ 提取码:61gd 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 解压密码451311427
介绍:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aaCNZjuSPTshMOeXOrmt-w 提取码:9999 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦
介绍:电影名:妲己传 道长古装系列之妲己传说 性妲己 The Fox That You Love 完整版71分钟已收录。 此片为荷里活国际娱乐有限公司出品,制作相当的精良,在当时都算是大制作,而且演员卖力,打真军,故事就是从受申登上皇位开始讲起。
介绍:国产台湾80年代鬼怪作品,一大户人家女子暴死,坟墓被盗,抛尸荒野,多亏一好心农夫掩盖棺木,才不至于魂飞魄散,该女鬼为报恩,交欢与农夫。后又历经曲折嫁与农夫,该片也叫《艳鬼现身》。比较经典的一部打真军台湾电影。 《冤女复仇》又名《艳鬼现身》冤女复仇》又名《艳鬼现身》这片子很老了,剧情:一个农夫回家,看见路边一女坟被盗墓贼光顾后,棺材都未给合上。于是农夫盖棺掩土,修整好了。女鬼感激,趁农夫洗澡时故意让农夫看到裸体,声言非君不嫁。两人便结合了,第一次ML时,女说男装傻,过后男没吃饭就想ML了。最后女鬼设法除掉了害死她的姐姐和姐夫,剧情便完了。