介绍:电影名:Erotik im Beruf - Was jeder Personalchef gern verschweigt Eros in the Office Office Girls Sex in the Office
介绍:年轻漂亮的小学教师玛丽(Caroline Ducey 凯瑟琳•杜希 饰)与相识三个月的男友保罗(Sagamore Stévenin 萨加莫尔•史蒂文 饰)同居,虽然保罗口口声声说深爱玛丽,却从不与她做爱。纵然玛丽极尽挑逗之能,也始终得不到回应。倍感失落和挫折的她终于尝试出轨,她周转与各色男人之间,尽情享受久违的肉体欢愉。 然而即便如此,玛丽仍然疯狂爱着那个让她心碎、嫉妒、痴迷的保罗。在不甚成功的床第欢愉之后,玛丽终于怀有身孕,也如愿和保罗走入婚姻的殿堂。只是,似乎一切并未因此有所改变…
介绍:电影名:Cuore di mamma Mother's Heart 单亲妈妈和她的孩子间不能说的秘密。
介绍:San Francisco is the setting for Play-around Magazines's "Most Exciting Sexual Experience" contest. Four beautiful SMALL TOWN GIRLS are chosen by the magazine as finalists to compete for the $50,000 in prize money. Our story begins as Cindy, Barbarella, Ann, and Dannielle arrive at the editor's office. Anticipation fills their minds and bodies as they learn that they have 48 hours to act out the fantasies they submitted as entries. Unbeknownst to them, the magazine has assigned an "able-bodied" young man to take part in each adventure and so verify the stories. Which story will the editors choose for their feature article? We'll never tell.
介绍:电影名:Mirror Images II 性、爱情、女人香 截止2020年1月12日共有79人对《性、爱情、女人香》评分,豆瓣评分5.4分。
介绍:Intense, off-beat Italian thriller is an underexposed classic. Fueding married couple, traveling across the country, make the mistake of picking up a hitch hiker who turns out to be a violent bank robber. But that's only the beginning of the story. Skillfully well done thriller is gripping in it's wildly turning plot. The cinematography is stylishly good, with some beautiful country side filming locations. The music, though seemingly out of place at times, is great too. In addition there is a decent amount of violence and some nudity. The real highlights of this film though are it's three stars, who seem to be in a show-stealing competition all through out the film. Franco Nero does a convincingly good performance as the alcoholic reporter, who has grown tired of his wife. Corinne Clery is fetching and talented as Nero's equally weary wife. The terrific David Hess makes for another great villain, also having played a crazed criminal in both Craven's Last House on the Left (1972) and another Italian exploitation film House on the Edge of the Park (1979). imdb comment
介绍:电影名:Diabelska edukacja 恶魔的教育 Devilish Education 截止2019年12月7日共有492人对《恶魔的教育》评分,豆瓣评分7分。 19世纪波兰某偏僻的小村庄里,生活着一个天真无邪、快乐美丽的女孩歌茜娅(Renata Dancewicz 饰)。她每天负责放牧、挤奶,周而复始,一成不变。 夏日的一天,歌茜娅空暇之时褪去衣衫,走入池塘洗澡。她曼妙的身姿和清纯的气息引起了一个黑衣路人(Marek Kondrat 马里克•肯德兰特 饰)的关注。第二天黑衣人再次来到河边,一笔一笔将歌茜娅优美的曲线留在了纸上。不久后两人熟捻,交谈之余黑衣人拿出前几天的画作。看到自己裸体的歌茜娅起初羞愧万分,但在黑衣人的引诱下,她开始重新认识自己的身体,体味到莫大的喜悦和乐趣……
介绍:电影名:どチンピラ 12 危険なフェロモン どチンピラ 12 コマシ屋・仁に落とせない女はいない!? 魅惑のセクシー・アクション第12弾!! コマシ屋・仁が街で見つけた美女・恵美。だが、フラれたうえに、極楽組のチンピラに見つかり、例のごとく逃亡する仁。その夜、バーで声をかけた則代は、偶然にも恵美の知り合いだった。何と則代は、恵美を5日の間にコマせたら100万円出すと申し出る。さっそく、彼女が働くクラブに乗り込む仁だったが…。