介绍:“再好的工作都有厌烦的那一天”,这是深田咏美的内心独白…虽然过去这一年,她以秋风扫落叶之势席卷了整个暗黑界,但“宝宝心里的苦,只有宝宝自己心里清楚”,本中11月份新作HND-758就暗示了深田姐姐的真实想法~ 深田咏美作品 提到深田えいみ,相信大家多少对她都有所了解,但福禄相信,百分之九十五以上的人都是通过作品熟知她的,什么ch1女、高颜值也是绝大多人数对她的印象,可能有人觉得深田姐姐今天这一切都来的很容易,可是如果你看过她的前身天海心就不会这么想了,因为和天海心时期相比,深田姐姐可以说是完全换了一个人,所以别看小姐姐现在独领风骚,但背后付出了多少,恐怕没几个人能理解…
介绍:Rosa Caracciolo扮演一个深入丛林考察的美女科学家,意外发现在丛林中生活的泰山,于是...
介绍:别名:Jungla proibita: La leggenda sex di Tarzan, Avventure erotiche nella giungla, Jane: The Sexual Adventures of a Jungle Girl, Jungle Heat, Tarzan, Tarzan – Shame of Jane, Tarzan X, Tarzan: Jane’in utanci, Tharzan, Tharzan: La vera storia del figlio della giungla 一个英国探险队在茂密的热带丛林里考察植物时,领队的女友简被一个英俊的野人绑架,后与之在野生环境中迸发出了肆无忌惮的浪漫和激情。简进而劝说他随探险队离开丛林来到英国步入文明,甚至引导他如何进入伦敦的上流社会…… Jane and her friends are in Africa. When Jane gets lost in the woods and vanishes, she wakes up at the foot of the ape-man. One thing leads to another, apeman explores Madame and she does a little exploring herself to their mutual enjoyment. Turns out the ape man’s real name is John, and he is the son of an aristocrat who was lost in the woods 20 years earlier. John consoled himself by overthrowing everything that moves to the delight of the ladies.