
面保康发布于 2023-11-28 13:20:01


地下影带5 血肉横飞

Damon Fox(导演)/Brain Damage(主演)/美国/2000/恐怖/纪录

介绍:别名:Traces of Death V: Back in Action The fifth sequel of the self-proclamed "first true shockumentary" series, dealing mostly with real life graphic violence and its aftermath caught on video. 自称为“第一次真正的震惊”系列的第五个续集,主要处理现实生活中的图形暴力及其后果。 大量真是血腥现场和奇怪的集合纪录片,配乐基本都是 残酷死 激流 鞭挞 一点儿碾核。



Damon Fox(导演)/Damon Fox(主演)/美国/1996/恐怖/纪录

介绍:别名:Traces Of Death IV The fourth entry in the "Traces of Death" series stays on the same track as the previous films by showing scenes of real life violent deaths and gory accidents caught on film. This volume shows scenes of birth defects, tumors, leprosy, different piercings of the male and female genitalia and even midget wrestling, and like the previous entries this ones definitely not for the squeamish. “死亡追踪”系列中的第四个条目与以前的电影保持在同一轨道上,通过显示现实生活中的暴力死亡和血腥事件的镜头拍摄的电影。 本卷展示了出生缺陷,肿瘤,麻风病,男性和女性生殖器的不同穿孔,甚至小型摔跤的场景,和以前的条目一样,这绝对不是为了吱吱。



Damon Fox(导演)/Brain Damage(主演)/美国/1995/恐怖/纪录

介绍:别名:Traces of Death III The third installment in the Traces of Death shockumentary series. 第三部分在“死亡之痕”纪念系列中。



Damon Fox(导演)/Damon Fox(主演)/美国/1994/恐怖/纪录

介绍:别名:Traces of Death II The second installation to the bizarre shockumentary series Traces of Death. 第二次安装到奇怪的纪念品系列死亡踪影。



Damon Fox(导演)/Damon Fox, Maritza Martin Munoz, Emilio Nunez (主演)/美国/1993/恐怖/纪录

介绍:This successor to "Faces of Death" collection is a collection of archive film and borrowed stock footage. In its opening you see the death of a woman named Maritza Martin, who was gunned down by her ex-husband on Spanish language television. We then witness British SAS troopers storming the Iranian Embassy in 1980, this is followed by a police chase of a criminal in a pick up truck and the deadly finale. It then goes to footage of animal experiments with a grizzly scene of a live pig being burned alive with a torch. Autopsy footage is then shown of an Asian individual. We are then shown a very graphic presentation on a male to female sex change operation. One interesting scene has a man who had his nasal cavity removed and replaced with a prosthetic, the footage is most interesting and worth the price of admission. The producers then suddenly return to the death theme with the well known footage of R Budd Dwyer and his on air suicide with a .357 Magnum, followed by a look at one of the most notorious Nazi villains, Ilsa Koch and her sick collection of concentration camp victim tattoos which she turned into bookcovers, lampshades and wallets. The closing has some stock footage of a funeral and an animal attack. 这个继承人的“死亡面孔”集合是档案电影和借来的影片素材的集合。在开头你看到一个女人的名字Maritza马丁的死亡,她的前夫枪杀在西班牙语电视上。然后,我们看到英国SAS军队在1980年冲击伊朗大使馆,随后一名警察追逐一名犯罪分子在一辆皮卡车和致命的结局。然后它转到动物实验的镜头,一个活的猪用火炬燃烧的灰熊现场。然后显示一个亚洲人的解剖镜头。然后,我们将展示一个关于男性到女性性行为改变手术的非常图形化的介绍。一个有趣的场景有一个人的鼻腔被删除,并用假肢替换,镜头是最有趣的,值得价格的入场。然后,制片人突然回到死亡主题与众所周知的R·德维尔的画面和他的空中自杀与一个.357大酒瓶,其次是看着最臭名昭着的纳粹的恶棍之一,伊尔莎·科赫和她的病态集中露营受害者纹身,她变成书包,灯罩和钱包。关闭有一些葬礼和动物攻击的一些储蓄英尺长度。 别名:Traces of Death1



Bitto Albertini(导演)/无(主演)/意大利/1984/纪录

介绍:这是一部关于世界上各种奇闻异事的纪录片:印度的圣城贝拿勒斯,老人们死后当街火化;美国人能在香港买到雏妓;各种动物杂交;日本有一个祭祀阴茎图腾的祭礼;有最高等和最劣等的风化之地;一个非洲部落的男人有着大得惊人的阴茎;泰国的阴茎按摩所;生吃火蛇,狩猎行为和狩猎者;佛罗里达,一只鳄鱼被一个骑兵吃掉;一个传教士被印第安人吃掉;拉斯维加斯的赌场和脱衣舞会和更多内容尽在片中。本片为VCD的DAT文件,又因片子太老,故清晰度一般。 Documentary about strange or grotesque things around the world: the sacred city of Benares, India, where old men go to die and be cremated; an american tourist in Hong-Kong, who buys a "baby-prostitute"; many animals having sex; the celebration in honor of a totem with the shape of a penis, in Japan; topless and prostitution places; an african tribe in which the men have gigantic male organs; a massage parlour in Thailand; snakes being eaten almost alive; hunting and safaris in Africa; a ranger being eaten by an alligator, in Florida; a missionary priest being eaten by indians; the betting clubs and strip-tease joints in Las Vegas; and much more.
