《带子杀人拳》是1976年由山口和彦导演,千叶真一/夏八木勋/小山明子等主演的日本动作、剧情电影。Chico arrives in a city where there are two waring ...展开全部
《带子杀人拳》是1976年由山口和彦导演,千叶真一/夏八木勋/小山明子等主演的日本动作、剧情电影。 Chico arrives in a city where there are two waring gangs. Chico gets wind of a large hidden stash of heroin owned by the, now dead, former leader over all of the gangs and sets off to find it and keep the two gangs at war. Meanwhile, he as befriended a small boy whose father is a samurai assassin working for the rival gang. 奇科到达一个有两个黑社会的城市。 奇科得到一大堆隐藏的海洛因隐藏的藏身之处,现在已经死了,所有这些帮派的前领导人,纷纷找到它,并把这两个帮派留在战争中。 同时,他和一个小男孩结识,父亲是一名武士刺客,为对手帮派工作。