《地狱妓女》是2005年由Sergio Blasco导演,Oscar Pastor/Mapi Romero/Diego Braguinsky/Ruben Rodriguez等主演的SpainR级、恐怖、惊悚、剧情电影。 电影名:Belcebu 截止2018年3月2日共有49人对《地狱妓女》评分,豆瓣评分4.9分。 REAL SEX…REAL VIOLENCE…REAL BLOOD…and passed UNCUT by the BBFC. Gore, Pentagrams, black masses, debauched sexual acts and an obligatory twist, this brant new cult horror film from Spain is fast, furious, sexy and violent, with moments of dark humour. Satan, personified as a lustful lesbian rock chick, seduces satanic rock idol Belcebu, who through his lyrics regularly encourages his fans to commit suicide. Satan offers him eternal life as a rock star… however his voluptuous ex is determined to stop him on his quest for world domination…Belcebu is a visual feast in the vein of true Satanic exploitation films such as ‘Nude For Satan’ and ‘Black Magic Rites’.