《吸血惊情成人版》是1994年由Mario Salieri导演,Selen/Joy Karins/Ron Jeremy等主演的意大利R级、恐怖电影。 电影名:Dracula XXX Dracula 截止2018年5月19日共有133人对《吸血惊情成人版》评分,豆瓣评分6.5分。 吸血鬼就是西方的金瓶梅啊!!!这个情色版本吸血鬼真的是除了血就是性了…… Selen赛仑超级美女最有名的作品,可谓极品。 XV century Prince Vlad Tepes tries unsuccessfully to escape his wife during an invasion of Romania by the Turks. Vlad is killed, while his wife is kidnapped and tortured until he grant to the sultan sexually. Repeatedly raped, she decides to commit suicide right on the tomb of late husband. The sacrifice of the women resurrects Vlad, who vows to get revenge over the centuries. Four centuries later, in 1887 in Bedford, a notary found traces of the heirs of the Count and left for Romania.