
《无尽的黑暗》是2013年由Josh Eisenstadt导演,埃里克·罗伯茨/约翰·萨维奇/詹姆斯·杜瓦尔/穆赛塔·万德等主演的美国惊悚电影。
电影名:Spreading Darkness 蔓延的黑暗
Stu Undercoffler(埃里克·罗伯茨(Eric Roberts))是一位腐败的首席执行官,他的权力驱使他做出了一些非常不道德的选择。 一旦斯图的不道德选择已经开始在整个世界传播黑暗,就没有停止。 在失去妻子之后,斯图开始出现良知危机,但开始相信自己正在被追捕并引起幻觉。 他是否迷失了自己的想法,或者让他的前任受害者回来肆虐他? 一个前卫的心理惊悚片,电影的真正主角可能是黑暗本身。
Stu Undercoffler (Eric Roberts) is a corrupt CEO whose drive for power has led him to make some highly unethical choices. Once Stu's unethical choices have begun to spread darkness through the world, there is no stopping it. After losing his wife, Stu begins to have a crisis of conscience, but starts to believe he is being stalked and has been hallucinating. Is he losing his mind or have his former victims come back to wreak havoc on him? An avant-garde psychological thriller where the true protagonist of the film may be the darkness itself.