- 导演:
- Duncan Stewart
- 主演:
- Marc Brock/Tony Marshall/Steve Morgan
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:The Bride's Initiation Dracula and the Dirty Old Witch 一对刚结婚的夫妇被德古拉绑架,丈夫被司机带走,阴茎被切除,把这个器官交给一个巫婆。新娘的父母雇了一名侦探来寻找她们。德古拉强奸了被绑架的新娘,然后出去兜风,发现了卡罗尔。他认为她就是他要找的人。他让司机给她一枚戒指,然后用戒指把她带到自己的巢穴,后来他改变了对卡罗尔的看法,来到被绑着的侦探面前,宣告他永恒的爱。
- 导演:
- Kemal Horulu
- 主演:
- Jennifer Welles/戴尔·富勒/Jon Oppenheim
- 电影类型:
- 喜剧
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:The Sexualist: A Voyage to the World of Forbidden Love Pretentious hippie director Jeffrey Montclair tries to make an educational erotic feature about sex and the signs of the zodiac. Montclair not only has to deal with an impatient and overbearing mob-connected financial backer, but also has his hands full putting up with snobby lead actress Monica.
- 导演:
- 科特·麦克道尔
- 主演:
- 马里恩·伊顿/梅林达·麦克道尔/乔治·库查/Mookie Blodgett
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:Thundercrack! 惊天雷 截止2019年10月5日共有46人对《惊天雷》评分,豆瓣评分6.3分。 Curt Mcdowell+George Kuchar。。。美国两大地下电影先锋的合作! One of a kind film that should not be missed by students of the weird! I had the pleasure of seeing this at a midnight screening of the Seattle International Film Festival. Wow. This may have been the strangest film ever produced. It is a comedy, a claustrophobic thriller, a love story (well, sort of), a monster movie, and a porno all at once. It would be not enough to simply describe as satire, it is far more than that. You should not pass up the opportunity to see it on the big screen if you have the chance. Any fan of the bizarre can't miss this one. Highly recommended!
- 导演:
- 叶庆辉
- 主演:
- 陈颖芝/Kar Man Wai/吴少雄/卫加文
- 电影类型:
- 动作
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:欲海花 Sex Flower 沙奇是風度翩翩的紳士, 暗中從事走私販毒及軍火買賣之不法勾當, 在一次黑吃黑的拚殺後, 沙其與杜老闆勢不兩立. 夜總會艷星羅娜遇舊識男友李浩, 舊情復熾, 但羅娜似有隱憂, 因被沙奇控制, 成為犯罪工具, 李浩欲帶羅娜`遠走高飛, 遭沙奇手下抓回, 李浩痛不欲生. 其後李浩喝酒消愁認識美琳, 美琳深富正義感, 且對李浩一見鍾情, 答應相助. 美琳在夜總會跳艷舞, 欲搜查證物, 不料被識破, 李浩遭毒打, 而美琳遭沙奇強暴.事後, 沙奇欲殺二人滅口, 此時杜老闆正好前來尋仇, 火拚中, 李浩與美琳趁機逃脫. 杜老闆被殲殺,李浩與美琳深入虎穴 欲救出羅娜,千鈎一髲之際,警方飛馳而至,將沙奇這邦罪犯一綱打盡. 陈颖芝的漂亮艳丽不亚于当时的一线三级明星,但经常被洪峰金彪这些糟老头子玩弄。。。。简直让人哭笑不得。 卢惠光,段伟伦,陈敬,谷峰等人闪现。另外看到很久没见的邵氏艳星卫嘉文。