非常值得观看,细节拉满 满满的都是爱
丛林性冒险--Jungle Blue
- 导演:
- Carlos Tobalina
- 主演:
- Bill Cable, Annette Haven, Candida Royalle, Nina Fause, Iris Medina, Jose Ferraro
- 电影剧情:
- 【剧情介绍】: 苏珊艾莉森是装饰的一个美丽、 雄心勃勃的女人是装饰的后传说中的宝藏的钻石和祖母绿,是装饰的在 Ucayale 河 (亚马逊河支流) 的野蛮人部落的一部分。她飞往秘鲁伊基托斯,在汉克 · 罗林斯,本公司也后珠宝的冒险家。简罗伊斯,好漂亮的女孩,也是在丛林里照顾她的父亲,一名传教士失去,而试图转换头的猎人。他们冒险进入丛林和满足埃沃尔。两个女孩都深切地感受到巨大的高度的热情,一个接一个,发现一个超级的人发生性关系。汉克说服埃沃尔带他去部落为了到达珠宝;一次,他们毒害整个部落,以珠宝和简作为一名囚犯。埃沃尔去营救他们,丛林风格。苏珊被一条毒蛇袭击而汉克被抓了食人鱼;简被埃沃尔救了感性的交会在天堂里。在这次冒险,苏珊和一群美国人在秘鲁试 Yassahuacca,一种药物从树树皮可带入令人难以置信的性狂欢组获得。这狂欢和冒险被平行的丛林蓝色,使其非常独特的成人电影故事。 Starring: Nina Fause, Bigg John, Iris Medina Susan Alison is a beautiful, ambitious woman who is after a legendary treasure of diamonds and emeralds, which are part of the ornament of a tribe of savages in the Ucayale river (a tributary of the Amazon). She flies to Iquitos, Peru, in the company of Hank Rollins, also an adventurer after the jewels. Jane Royce, a really beautiful girl, is also in the jungle looking after her father, a missionary lost while trying to convert the head hunters. They adventure into the jungle and meet Evor. Both girls are aroused to tremendous heights of passion and, one after the other, discover sex with a super human being. Hank convinces Evor to take him to the tribe in order to get to the jewels; once there, they poison the entire tribe, taking the jewels and Jane as a prisoner. Evor goes to rescue them, jungle style. Susan is attacked by a poisonous snake and Hank is caught by the piranhas; Jane is saved by Evor for a sensual rendezvous in paradise. Prior to this adventure, Susan and a group of Americans in Peru tried the Yassahuacca, a drug obtained from a tree bark which is capable of bringing the group into an incredible sex orgy. This orgy and the adventures are paralleled in the story of Jungle Blue, making it a very unique adult motion picture.
- 导演:
- Henri Pachard
- 主演:
- Raven Gloria Leonard
- 电影类型:
- 剧情
- 电影剧情:
- 虚伪、庸俗、刻薄的中产阶级家庭妇女Seleren夫人嫌贫爱富,对子女要求严格;而当她与花匠Chinaski通奸的事情败露后,她在家庭里所标榜的“理想、道德观”一夜之间全面崩溃,由思想前卫、放荡不羁的女儿Nina所引发的两个家庭之间一系列的伦理揭开了帷幕…...
- 导演:
- 罗兰·约菲
- 主演:
- 热拉尔·德帕迪约 / 乌玛·瑟曼 / 蒂姆·罗斯
- 电影剧情:
- 故事发生在1671年的法国,王公贵族们纸醉金迷的奢侈生活让百姓们陷入了水深火热和民不聊生的糟糕境地中,愤怒和反抗的情绪日益增加。可是,即便是在这样的情况下,库德王子(朱利安·格洛弗 Julian Glover 饰)满脑子里想着的,依旧是如何讨好自己的父亲路易十四(朱利安·山德斯 Julian Sands 饰)。为此,库德王子决定举办一个为期三天的壮大宴会,他将此任务全权交给了侍从瓦尔特(杰拉尔·德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)处理。 瓦尔特出色的完成了王子交代给他的任务,宴会上的所有来宾都对他们的所闻所见感到满意和惊奇。一个名叫安妮(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)的贵妇的出现让瓦尔特坠入了情网,不幸的是,路易十四似乎也想要得到安妮。在如此强大的情敌面前,瓦尔特陷入了痛苦之中。
- 导演:
- 安迪·西达里斯
- 主演:
- 阿尔·梁/Richard·Cansino/布鲁斯·彭哈尔/东尼·派克/多纳·斯皮尔/罗伯塔·瓦斯奎兹/杰弗里·摩尔/Cynthia·Brimhall/Chu·Chu·Malave/Ava·Cadell/贝基·马伦/Buzzy·Kerbox
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:Hard Hunted Agenttitytöt Havaijilla / Amazonok szigete / Difícil de cazar / Heiße Girls eiskalt 一个核触发器正被走私到中东,“全球力量平衡正处于危险之中”。一名女联邦特工卧底去偷它,结果被谋杀。其他三名胸脯丰满的联邦探员,都曾是《花花公子》的玩伴,以及他们的肌肉男伙伴们,不得不挽救局面。
- 导演:
- Cybil Richards
- 主演:
- Louise Monclair,Shyra Deland
- 电影剧情:
- In an attempt to protect their time-traveling program, chuck and Melissa must travel the timeline to plant special beacons which will sabotage any effort to steal technology. Along the way our travelers meet and "mingle" with some of history's most famous characters. A hilarious encounter with the 1960's era hippy sisters TRIPPY and M00NBEAM will leave you feeling groovy.
- 导演:
- Christian Drew Sida
- 主演:
- 布鲁斯·彭哈尔 / Mark Barriere / 朱莉·斯特兰 / Rodrigo Obregón / 萨曼莎·菲利普斯 / 朱莉·史密斯 / Wendy Hamilton / Gerald Okamura / Roland Marcus / Cassidy Phillips / Ron Browning / Tom Abbott / Alan Krier / William Fain / Betty Jo LeBrun
- 电影类型:
- 动作
- 电影剧情:
- 执法女先锋2沿袭第一集的俊男美女演员,克里斯、马克及莎曼珊负责保护科学家所发明的电脑晶片,并由每人带在身上,但由黑寡妇、眼镜蛇、天蝎星所组成之暗杀集体,却计划抢夺晶片,她们个个身怀绝计,并顺利偷得晶片,绑架了莎曼珊。但在经过一连串斗智、抢夺、斯杀后,克里斯、马克及莎曼珊成功的完成了保护晶片的任务……
赤裸的灵魂 nake souls
- 导演:
- Lyndon Chubbuck
- 主演:
- Brian Krause / Pamela Anderson / David Warner / Dean Stockwell / Clayton Rohner
- 电影剧情:
- Edward is busy trying to unlock the secrets of reading and recording people's thoughts. He is very involved with his work leaving little room for girlfriend Britt. Longstreet comes along and offers Edward a place to do his research and have unlimited funding. There are, however, ulterior motives as Edward is also somehow unlocking the secrets of eternal life.