翔子翔子发布于 2024-06-08 00:05:15




Jerome Tanner(导演)/Haley Paige Missy Monroe Adel Miller(主演)/美国/2014/恐怖/动作/剧情

介绍:丧尸美剧《行尸走肉》成人版】这年头没被翻拍黄版的欧美剧、电影都不好意思说自己火!丧尸美剧《行尸走肉》成人版 : 两小时的 “真枪实弹” 大战, 多人OOXX不说, 还与丧尸OOXX, 致命绝招竟是 “颜射” 丧尸!



Mario Salieri(导演)/Selen/Joy Karins/Ron Jeremy(主演)/意大利/1994/恐怖

介绍:电影名:Dracula XXX Dracula 截止2018年5月19日共有133人对《吸血惊情成人版》评分,豆瓣评分6.5分。 吸血鬼就是西方的金瓶梅啊!!!这个情色版本吸血鬼真的是除了血就是性了…… Selen赛仑超级美女最有名的作品,可谓极品。 XV century Prince Vlad Tepes tries unsuccessfully to escape his wife during an invasion of Romania by the Turks. Vlad is killed, while his wife is kidnapped and tortured until he grant to the sultan sexually. Repeatedly raped, she decides to commit suicide right on the tomb of late husband. The sacrifice of the women resurrects Vlad, who vows to get revenge over the centuries. Four centuries later, in 1887 in Bedford, a notary found traces of the heirs of the Count and left for Romania.



Sergio Blasco(导演)/Oscar Pastor/Mapi Romero/Diego Braguinsky/Ruben Rodriguez(主演)/Spain/2005/恐怖/惊悚/剧情

介绍:电影名:Belcebu 截止2018年3月2日共有49人对《地狱妓女》评分,豆瓣评分4.9分。 REAL SEX…REAL VIOLENCE…REAL BLOOD…and passed UNCUT by the BBFC. Gore, Pentagrams, black masses, debauched sexual acts and an obligatory twist, this brant new cult horror film from Spain is fast, furious, sexy and violent, with moments of dark humour. Satan, personified as a lustful lesbian rock chick, seduces satanic rock idol Belcebu, who through his lyrics regularly encourages his fans to commit suicide. Satan offers him eternal life as a rock star… however his voluptuous ex is determined to stop him on his quest for world domination…Belcebu is a visual feast in the vein of true Satanic exploitation films such as ‘Nude For Satan’ and ‘Black Magic Rites’.



Luiz Castellini/Oswaldo de Oliveira/Antonio Polo Galante(导演)/Eudósia Acuña/Esmeralda Barros/Hugo Bidet(主演)/巴西/1977/剧情

介绍:电影名:Presídio de Mulheres Violentadas 讲述女囚反抗不人道的监狱状况的故事~~

情陷夜巴黎 未删减版

情陷夜巴黎 未删减版

安德烈·泰希内(导演)/朱丽叶·比诺什/朗贝尔·维尔森/Wadeck Stanczak(主演)/法国/1985/剧情/爱情

介绍:别名:Rendez-vous 激情密约 / 约会 / 火山 妮娜(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)千里迢迢来到繁华的大都市巴黎,意在这里潜心学习表演。在巴黎,妮娜结识了名为保罗(Wadeck Stanczak 饰)的男子,之后又通过保罗认识了昆汀(朗贝尔·维尔森 Lambert Wilson 饰)。 昆汀曾是一名前途无量的演员,却因为女友的意外死亡而一蹶不振,颓废度日。昆汀的艺术气质吸引了妮娜的注意,两人很快就坠入了爱河,然而,昆汀在死亡的道路上越走越远,最终选择自杀,和曾经的女友一样死在了车轮之下。之后,痛苦的妮娜向一直暗恋她的保罗寻求温暖,可是妮娜对保罗的感情,却并非爱情,这令保罗感到十分痛苦。妮娜决定出演戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,这正是当年昆汀最后演出过的戏剧。 第38届戛纳电影节 主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名) 安德烈·泰希内 第38届戛纳电影节 主竞赛单元 最佳导演 安德烈·泰希内
